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Ensure a type implements an interface in Golang

package main

type Shape interface {
	Area() int

type Rectangle struct {
	Width int
	Height int

func main() {}
package main

type Shape interface {
	Area() int

type Rectangle struct {
	Width int
	Height int

func main() {}

To ensure that Rectangle type implements the Shape interface, we check it at compile time.

package main

type Shape interface {
	Area() int

type Rectangle struct {
	Width int
	Height int

var _ Shape = (*Rectangle)(nil)

func main() {}
package main

type Shape interface {
	Area() int

type Rectangle struct {
	Width int
	Height int

var _ Shape = (*Rectangle)(nil)

func main() {}

Compiling the code above gives us the following error:

cannot use (*Rectangle)(nil) (value of type *Rectangle) as type Shape in variable declaration:
	*Rectangle does not implement Shape (missing Area method)
cannot use (*Rectangle)(nil) (value of type *Rectangle) as type Shape in variable declaration:
	*Rectangle does not implement Shape (missing Area method)

Implementing the interface gets rid of the compile error

package main

type Shape interface {
	Area() int

type Rectangle struct {
	Width  int
	Height int

func (r *Rectangle) Area() int {
	return r.Width * r.Height

var _ Shape = (*Rectangle)(nil)

func main() {}
package main

type Shape interface {
	Area() int

type Rectangle struct {
	Width  int
	Height int

func (r *Rectangle) Area() int {
	return r.Width * r.Height

var _ Shape = (*Rectangle)(nil)

func main() {}